Giu Magnani Logo

WordPress Development with Elementor Pro and custom CSS and JavaScript for additional functionalities. The theme is customised in its entirety for the branding of the business, in this case a Laundry Service from Sydney, Australia.

Additionally to the Web Design and Development I created the logo and branding of the business. The logo features an icon composed of four hearts vibrantly coloured, each one with a hanger in negative space. On the right, the business name is displayed in a clean and modern font, ensuring clear readability and visual consistency.

The icon incorporates several elements that evoke essential concepts associated with Crisp Laundry and the laundry industry, such as neatness, professionalism, reliability, friendliness and cleanliness. The selection of the four main colours for the logo was made to establish a vibrant and lively brand that conveys friendliness, fun and contemporaneity. These colours complement each other harmoniously and can be applied in a variety of situations as backgrounds for banners, icons or forother graphics, ensuring a cohesive visual representation for the brand.



Giu Magnani, Web Developer, Web Designer and Illustrator.

Let's work together to create something amazing!

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